
All the roleplays with Nisí cats need to go here!
All the roleplays with Nisí cats need to go here!
Smell the Sea and Feel the Sky- Open (Jun 23, 2018 18:32:01 GMT)
1 thread
9 posts
All roleplays concerning the Vounó go here!
All roleplays concerning the Vounó go here!
The Loved and the Lost - OPEN (Jun 21, 2018 23:39:37 GMT)
1 thread
8 posts
Meetings between the two groups go here in this board.
Coincidental Meetings
Meetings between the two groups go here in this board.
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This will be unlocked when Gatherings come around, but until then, it will be locked and prevented from being posted in.
The Gathering
This will be unlocked when Gatherings come around, but until then, it will be locked and prevented from being posted in.
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2 total threads
17 total posts
Here will be the main boards for all of the roleplays surrounding and including the fylí.
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