
Come here to find out about major happening in the Nisí fylí. You can find roles needing filled here, and about when/where the event will take place.
Nisí Major Plot Roleplays
Come here to find out about major happening in the Nisí fylí. You can find roles needing filled here, and about when/where the event will take place.
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Come here to find major plot roleplays concerning the Vounó fylí. You can find roles needing filled, and when/where events will take place here.
Vounó Major Plot Roleplays
Come here to find major plot roleplays concerning the Vounó fylí. You can find roles needing filled, and when/where events will take place here.
First Wolf Hunt (Jun 26, 2018 5:45:38 GMT)
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Come here to find out about any major roleplays that concern the rogues of the land, and when/where they will happen.
Major Rogue Roleplays
Come here to find out about any major roleplays that concern the rogues of the land, and when/where they will happen.
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Come here to find out about major plot roleplays coming up, and when/where they will happen. All roleplays posted here are posted by staff, and are monitored by staff.
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